kaizen solutions

Spirit at Work and Corporate Success

Spirit at work is positively linked with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and retention. Numerous studies point to the further connection between employee satisfaction, commitment, retention, and . . .

  • increased customer satisfaction
  • enhanced productivity
  • improved financial performance

Increased Spirit at Work leads to Increased Productivity

If you are not convinced, take a look at the research results.

Job Satisfaction

Spirit at work has a strong connection to employee satisfaction.
  • There is a positive correlation between employee satisfaction, enthusiasm, commitment, and its link to workplace loyalty, customer satisfaction; and improved financial results.
  • Highly satisfied employees exhibit above average: customer loyalty, productivity, employee retention, workplace safety, and profitability.

Employee Commitment

Spirit at work and employee commitment go hand-in-hand.
  • Employee commitment and loyalty are closely linked to retention and productivity.
  • With regard to consumers' future spending intentions, sustaining strong employee commitment becomes a highly important indicator when supported by enhanced customer service.

Employee Retention

  • As spirit at work increases, absenteeism and turnover decreases.
  • Employee satisfaction, behaviour, and turnover predict the following year's profitability.
Increased Spirit at Work = Increased Corporate Success!

Download and see the compelling results for yourself: The Link between Spirit at Work and Corporate Success

Learn more about the innovative and successful Spirit at Work Program or download a printer friendly copy that describes the Program


Successful Corporations

Did You KNOW?

Contributors to
Shareholder Return

47% of surveyed executives from multinational companies cite employee satisfaction and decreased turnover as major contributors to long-term shareholder return.

(Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2002)

Business Case Snapshot

Sears found that when employee satisfaction improved by 5%, customer satisfaction jumped 1.3% resulting in a .5% increase in growth revenue.

(Rucci, Kim, & Quinn, 1998)

Costs of Absenteeism
and Turnover

Imagine, just losing a single position due to turnover, costs your company from 30 to 150 % of your employee's annual salary. Our Spirit at Work Program is known to reduce absenteeism and turnover.

Within a very short timeframe, the savings realized will readily offset the cost associated with investing in the program!

